Sunday, January 26, 2014

Days 19-25: Keep Your Chat Roulette To Yourself

#6) Study Yoga:  The Cincinnati Yoga School was closed this week because their pipes froze during PV2 (“Polar Vortex 2”—I can’t take credit for this acronym but I’m going to use it like I did). 

Every night this week I did a different video from Do Yoga With Me Now.  If you haven’t been to this site, I can’t recommend it enough.  On Wednesday I got Donnie to do the “Yoga for Athletes” video with me, which was nice until he tried to make out during Savasana. 

This move got him officially banned from my at-home yoga practice. Now he knows that if he comes home and hears a gong or wind chimes coming from my yoga room he is to stay on the first floor. 
I don’t have to worry about this crap at the Cincinnati Yoga School.   
#7) Update My Style:  Speaking of Donnie, this is his least favorite item on my list.  Anytime I put on an article of clothing he doesn’t remember he’ll say to me, “Where’d you get that?” as if I’ve been shopping on the sly.  He likes to keep a mental calculator tape of my clothing receipts lest I spend money he feels would have been better spent on his professional wardrobe.    
Which he can wear while he stands behind me adding up the $14 I spent on this shirt and the $40 I spent on these boots in 2008. 

#11) Join Toastmasters:  Let the spreadsheet reflect that on January 19th I sent an inquiry to the “Contact Us” page on the website of a local Toastmasters group. 
#12) Buy in Bulk:  There was a fire sale on coffee this week at Remke.  This stuff isn’t cheap so when it’s $3.00 off a bag, you stock up. Even if you really prefer Italian Roast to French Roast but all of the Italian Roasts were bought out by savvy shoppers prepping for PV2.

#15) Join a Book Club:  The first meeting of “Booze and Books” is scheduled for February 27th.  I’m so excited about this, although I’m going to have to do some serious Googling to learn how a book club is supposed to work. 
Whoops, I just realized that I typed “Booze and Books” although the title of the club is actually “Books and Booze.”  Trying to get my priorities straight. 
#16) Go Antiquing:  I found this lady at Legacies in Hyde Park Plaza for $10!  She helps to tie together the warm neutrals in the living room with the cool gray of the dining room.  And she reminds me not to touch my face.  Or put my boobs on the table.   
#17) Entertain:  Our International Dinner Club met at Emanu last night and then came back to our place for dessert.  Emanu was delicious.  Look at this!  The spices were perfect. 

For dessert I made my new favorite--Apricot Oat Bars from the “Weeknights with Giada” cookbook my grandma gave me.  For some reason, I didn’t take a picture of the final product, but here are a couple of the dough and prep work. 

I did get a picture of Donnie and Tony wearing the same outfit:
Tony is the one who coined PV2, btw.
One of the highlights of the night involved creating a Chat Roulette account and conversing with a beat boxer from Brazil and an 18-year old model from Iraq.  This seemed like an appropriate activity for the International Dinner Club.  Until we were subjected to some indecent exposure by a guy from Trenton, New Jersey.
This is probably not how Martha Stewart would entertain, but I never claimed to be an expert.

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