Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day #2

I doubt I’ll write an update every day, but since is the first day post-list, I thought I should check in to demonstrate my commitment.  Donnie was a bit incredulous when after dinner I told him I was going to write a post about my progress.  He said, “It seemed like a normal day!”  Yes, but with a few tiny tweaks:

#1) Run a half marathon: I ran my normal 5 mile route this morning in the snow and added on ½ mile because, you know, half marathon.  Donnie says that I need to get my morning runs up to 7 miles to meet this goal.  This is the year, but today was not the day.  Baby steps.
#2) Learn to Bake Bread: I signed up for a Whole Foods cooking class next Thursday, which I have done lots of times before.  Although the topic is “Love Veggies” they usually ask for suggestions for upcoming classes, upon which time I will propose, “Yeast Feast.” Or “Bread Fed.” I haven’t decided. 
#6) Study Yoga:  This is where I rack up some major points!  I bought a Metabody Yoga & Fitness pass on Groupon ($350 value for $20) which includes up to 5 classes at the Cincinnati Yoga School on Ridge Avenue, just a stone’s throw from our house.  I’m so excited about this one.  Donnie is too.  We share a Groupon account and he texted me this afternoon to say "some Yogi hacked into our group on." 
Also, I came home from work and did the same Denise Austin yoga DVD that I’ve been doing for the past eight years but turned it off thirteen minutes early and free-styled the last part.  I did pigeon so long I could barely stand up afterwards.  All in all, some serious initiative here, no? 
#30) Give up Diet Coke:  I still have 363 days.

#31) … And cable:  I learned from Tia Mowry’s Facebook feed (shut up) that “Tia & Tamera” will not be returning for a fourth season.  This means I’m basically paying $100 a month to watch “Dance Moms” and “Sister Wives”.  And the occasional “Ancient Aliens.”  This one is looking a lot easier.


  1. Gaw, you're funny. Cut your cable cling even more--you can get a season pass for Dance Moms on iTunes and it looks like Lifetime might be giving them away for free...

    As for the Diet Coke, if you figure it out, let me know. I read HORRIBLE things about it all the time but every afternoon I'm on it like Pooh Bear and the honey pot.

    1. Haha, those tips for Dance Moms help but I'm still lost when it comes to quitting Diet Coke. I'm torn between trying to go cold turkey starting in November or starting to wean myself off now.

  2. #2 come on up and we can bake together. Just pick a recipe you want! It isn't hard to bake bread. Just takes time.

    1. Really? That would be awesome! Let me know when. I'll let you pick the recipe since I don't even know where to start. Maybe we can even convince Maggie, Jennie and Molly to spend our next girls night baking bread instead of drinking wine. Might be easiest with Jennie these days :-)
