Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day #5: Kay Kay Goes Antiquing

#16)  Go Antiquing

Okay, people.  I need some help with this one.  I went to Walgreens this afternoon to pick up some face moisturizer and cat food and thought to myself, “Hey, while I’m out I might as well go antiquing.”  What I should have realized is that going antiquing is not like running into the drugstore for Cetaphil and Indoor Formula cat food.  You have to be in the mood to browse.  And make decisions.  

First, I popped into the Riverside Center Antique Mall near Lunken Airport.  When I walked in, right away I was blown away by a perfect mid-century teak dining set for less than $500.  This baby was front and center in the lobby and I don’t know how it hasn’t sold.  Alas, I have a one year-old dining set that from Ikea that includes six plastic chairs and am therefore I am not in the market for a new one. 
Next, I saw this print called “The Gypsies” which I thought Donnie might like.  Or hate.  I kept going. 

I hadn't noticed the black and white coffee mug in the center of the photo above, but LOVE.
I am in the market for a new armchair to go in the living room.  As much as I liked this rocker, I am trying hard to avoid plastic furniture.  You know, now that I’m 30 and 1965 has officially come and gone. 

Next, I saw this gold ram which I could imagine next to our fireplace.  I liked it, but not “$65 liked it” if you know what I mean. 

Again.  I don’t know what it is that attracts me to plastic furniture.  I loved this set of four white chairs, which were $25 apiece and I thought would be a nice upgrade to our $12 Ikea chairs. But are they enough of an upgrade?  Probably not. 

This is the piece that I was closest to buying.  This cubist print in a blonde frame was 20% off $22.  I thought it would go nicely above the little desk I painted to go next to our front door.  I might come back for this one.

I also am regretting not getting this blue vase for $12.  I don’t know what I’d do with it, but it’s cute, right?

And then this.  I stared at this for a long time trying to figure out what it was.  The tag informed me that it is a “telephone table and chair.” 
Precious.  I don’t need a whole chair for my Samsung and it doesn’t go with our stuff at all, but this is pretty much the epitome of an antique and it made me feel like I was getting close to accomplishing #16. 
Except that I left empty-handed. 
Next, I drove about a block to the Peddler’s Market down the street.  Here I saw lots of VHS tapes, including an old Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movie and a first edition copy of Free Willy (Were there multiple editions?  I don’t know).  But nothing that would work in our living room. 

I have two takeaways from this trip.  First, I need more time and patience to really make #16 happen.  This is not something you can do on a whim after running into Walgreens.  Second, I need some company to help me decide what I should snag and what is cute only in comparison to all the stuff that’s not so cute.  I also should probably bring Donnie since he’s going to have to live with whatever I drag home. 
(In retrospect, this last point would have probably prevented us from ever having had three cats at once.  Hindsight is 20-20.)
So, who’s up for some antiquing?

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