Saturday, May 10, 2014

129 Days In And Still Not a Doctor

23) Spring Clean:  In general I maintain that if cleaning the house requires more than vacuuming and sanitizing, life is out of control.  I always always always try to have things “picked up” so that when it comes time to clean, there is nothing to do except wipe down surfaces and sweep up the dog hair.

For example, right now there is an empty water glass next to the sink that I can see out of the corner of my eye.  And I’m a little bit irritated because there is no reason for it not to be in the dishwasher. 
You may be thinking to yourself, “This woman is a control freak.” Or maybe, “Her poor husband must be must be ready to snap.” 

Or maybe you're thinking, wow, that's my kind of lady .
Anyway, to me, the essence of spring cleaning is moving all of the furniture and cleaning behind it.  The plan is to get in the habit of doing this on an annual schedule. 
This year, I happened to schedule this right before Donnie’s marathon.  He had taken the day off work to “rest up” and was less than thrilled to find out he had been drafted for heavy lifting.  Although he acquiesced and helped me move the furniture, he couldn’t risk getting on his hands and knees and performing what he calls a “Cinderella clean.”  These pictures picture pretty much sum up how the afternoon went:  

Admittedly, spring is a horrible time to have to deep clean because there are a hundred things that would be more fun to do on a temperate, sun-shiny day.  But when we were I was done the house felt extra clean and a great feeling of satisfied relaxation washed over my entire body.   

This feeling lasted for approximately three seconds, which was how long it took me to discover that while I was cleaning the living room, Emer had gotten into the attic, dipped his paws in soot, and then stood on every white windowsill in the house.  This is slightly less offensive than putting his a-hole on the dining room table, but still required another round of frantic scrubbing. 
1)  Run a half marathon:  I went to the sports doctor this week for my suspected stress fracture.  He recommended that I get an MRI, which I did this morning.  The MRI technician sent me home with a disc of my images, which I was able to open up on my laptop and peruse.  Although I’ll have to wait until next week to get my official results, this looks like a fracture to me:

I’m not a doctor, but I can tell you that the bone on the other side did not have a big black crack on it. I would show an image that included the other side, but then you’d also have to see my bladder and my ovaries and that would be TMI.    

12) Buy in Bulk:  By this point in this post, it's become pretty evident that I have not done a good job of "loosening up", which was also on the list for this year (#4).  The good news is, I have a bunch of LaCroix:
And there is no debris behind the couch. 


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