Sunday, February 9, 2014

Days 33-37: Toilet Paper and the Dentist

#1) Run a Half Marathon:  This weather is a sick joke and my half-marathon training is the punchline.  I ran Tuesday morning before the ice storm cometh and then on Saturday morning with the Pleasant Ridge runners club.  A grand total of nine miles for the week.  Let’s not talk about it. 

Instead, just look at this picture of me in my crossing guard costume:

#6) Study yoga:  My other idea for a blog this year was “My Year of Groupon Workouts.”  This item is sort of turning into that.  This week a co-worker and I bought a 60 days for $60 pass for Modo Hot Yoga in Clifton.  Modo and the Cincinnati Yoga School are about as different from each other as two yoga studios can be.  The Cincinnati Yoga School feels deep and serious while Modo is more commercial.  Modo offers a “brand” of yoga that is environmentally and socially conscious but that feels clearly like a brand.  Maybe it’s just this location on the University of Cincinnati’s campus, but amidst all of the undergraduate students I always feel like the old lady in the room.   
The heat does help to open up some of the fascia in my hips and shoulders and it does feel really good on days when you’re chilled to the bone. 
Maybe feeling like an old lady has less to do with my age and more to do with sentences like the one I just typed. 

I was going to go to the 2:00 class today but instead I'm sitting here looking at Facebook and eating flax seed chips.  Because it's too cold to go to hot yoga. 
#8) Go to the dentist every six months: I had my first appointment at my new Pleasant Ridge dentist on Tuesday.  Well, I thought it was Tuesday.  When I showed up at 3:00 to sign the new patient paperwork the receptionist informed me that my appointment had actually been on Monday.  I had missed it. 
This is not like me at all.  I am a compulsive scheduler.  In this case, I think I must have subconsciously written down the wrong date on purpose because I didn’t want to go.  But as my luck would have it, there was a cancelation and they were able to fit me in anyway.  Overall, the experience was actually pretty nice.  There was a television in the exam room so I got to watch Say Yes to the Dress on TLC while they scraped my teeth.  While I was there, I scheduled my next visit.  

Anybody still with me?  I know reading two paragraphs about my dentist appointment is exactly how you were hoping to spend your afternoon.
#19) Attend our Community Council Meetings:  The day of my dentist appointment was also supposed to be the day of the Pleasant Ridge Community Council meeting but it was canceled on account of the ice storm.  Instead, I spent the evening catching up on Teen Mom.  Because clearly #31 “Cancel Cable” is a high priority.   
#12) Buy in Bulk:  Did you know that Trader Joe’s has really good deals on toilet paper?  I bought a giant pack for less than what I normally spend on eight rolls at my regular grocery store.  The only problem was I got it home and didn’t know where to put it.  Lacking a ton of storage space in my bathroom, I made a tall toilet paper tower in one corner of the closet:

Here is a close-up:

Someone should probably pin this.  

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