Saturday, September 6, 2014

Riding the Bus with the World's Worst Vegetarian

#27: Ride the Metro:  All week I  had been looking forward to the International Dinner Club’s Friday 5:45 PM meeting at Amerasia in Covington.

What I was not looking forward to was having to meet Donnie there right after work and then take two separate cars home.

Because this place is known for its craft beers and I was looking forward to having one or three.  

So I took the bus to work.
When I lived in New York I took the bus or the subway every day. But since moving to Cincinnati I have yet to use the Metro. I know this is ridiculous, which is why this item was on my list.  But here’s the thing:  my parking situation downtown is very affordable and when I do the math it’s cheaper and faster to drive.
Granted, this does not include the cost of the car itself or maintenance, but not having a car is not an option and if I’m going to have one I might as well use it and save a few minutes and bucks on my commute.  
Donnie drove me to the bus stop on Friday morning. It’s a half mile from our house-- I should have walked.
When I got to the stop, one of my work colleagues was already there waiting and I confessed to him that it was my first time riding the bus and felt like a little kid on my first day of school.  He said that if it really were my first day of school I would need a bigger backpack, which was funny because I wasn’t carrying a backpack.  

The bus is great--it’s an express route that jumps on the highway after several Pleasant Ridge stops. It was nice to sit and look out the window.  

The drop-off is about a mile from my office, so there’s a little bit of a walk which is fine on a nice day.  
The only downside of this experience was that I had to leave earlier than normal to get on the bus, which meant I had to bring my oatmeal in a jar and eat it at my desk.

Saddest oatmeal ever.  #gramminoats

#11: Join Toastmasters: I’m working on a speech called “How Not to be a Vegetarian” which is about how when I gave up meat I just replaced it with starch and cheese and it took me a full decade to learn that vegetarians really should be eating vegetables. Duh.

#5: Plant My Own Herbs: Speaking of vegetables, these eggplant and goat cheese tacos were YUMMO with my backyard basil.

To make these, I just roasted a yellow tomato, garlic, and jalapeno and mashed those things up to make a spread for the corn tortillas.  On a separate tray I roasted the eggplant and then assembled the tacos with lots of basil and goat cheese.  It's not hard to be a vegetarian, it just takes a little creativity.

#31: Get Rid of Cable:  We lasted exactly one week without television until Donnie decided he had to watch some kind of sports thing today and went to Target to get these rabbit ears:  

Personally, I was perfectly content not having any form of television, as evidenced by this text exchange with Danielle:
Danielle:  How is life without cable?
Kayla: Haha no more productive.  I’m sitting on the couch looking at the internet on my phone.
Danielle: You’re going to miss the birth of Jill Duggar’s child.
Kayla: Is she delivering it herself? That would be worth seeing.
Danielle: Have you ever seen kourtney kardashian pull her own babies out?
Kayla: Ahhh no!!!!!! They show that?
Danielle: I mean it’s not real graphic but she pulls them right out. Both of them. They showed it on their show.  Her sisters freak out.  
Kayla:  Lol I didn’t know that was an option. can’t even imagine how she got that idea.
Danielle: Lol!

And then she sent me a picture of it happening.  

Which is way too graphic to post on this family-friendly account of my year but I guarantee you can find it on Google if you’re interested.  

Which you should be. 
