Saturday, July 19, 2014

Run What's In Your Heart and Other Internet Drivel

Drivel.  That’s what most of the internet is, right?  I’ve been a little quiet on the blog because I’m trying to not to add to this by blathering on about running and yoga and my #ootd.  

(Of course, my Instagram account is proof that  I’m not doing a very good job of not adding to the drivel of the internet.  I know in my heart that no one wants to see 4000 photos of my cat and my oatmeal but I can’t help myself. Sorry. Sort of.)

#1)  Run a Half Marathon:  Running has really done a number on my toes.  Look at the little guy on the right:

It’s hard to tell from this photo, but I also have calluses that look like corn.  Are these corns?  I can’t get a pedicure because it would just soften everything up and make it blister.  

My long runs have felt great while I’m doing them, but when I get back from 11ish miles the only thing I want to do is lay on the sofa and watch The Little Couple.  Further proof that it’s past time to cut off the cable (#31).  Nothing against Bill and Jen, but I’ve got stuff to do.  

BTW, the name of my half-marathon training plan is “Run What’s In Your Heart” and it eschews strict formulas and weekly goals in favor of intuitive running based on what you feel like doing on a given day.  Don’t bother looking it up, I just made it up. And if you ask me it bodes well for #4 on my list (Loosen Up).  
#7) Update my Style: On the opposite end of “loosen up” is my new approach to updating my style.  I found this book at the library and spent last night systematizing it.

I took the items from the style checklist and created a spreadsheet that codes them based on whether I already have the item, need to upgrade a cheapo version, or purchase one ASAP. For example, I’m all set on linen pants and black pumps, but I need a camel coat and an umbrella that didn’t come from the drugstore.
Then, I sorted and color-coded the crap out of this spreadsheet.  I plan to print it out and use it when shopping.  Because “buy what’s in your heart” has left me with a closetful of polyblend tops and no ladylike coat. 
#2) Learn to Bake Bread: I also borrowed The Bread Bible, but I can’t tell if the instructions are to be taken literally or if they are allegorical.  

#22)  Entertain:  This week we had a surprise party at our house for a friend and unfortunately the only picture I got was of this gorgeous basil-mozzarella plate that Suzy made:

The party was fun and I didn’t have much entertaining to do because Suzy and Janet helped so much.  I was able to spend my time chasing Emer out from under the patio and eating three pieces of Janet’s bourbon chocolate cake.  Not winning any hostess awards, but definitely acting on what’s in my heart.   
#5) Plant My Own Herbs: Speaking of Suzy’s basil, she planted hers about the same time I planted mine and she has bushels of it while I have this:

There are herbs here, but they are itty bitty baby herbs that smell good yet won’t grow.   I don’t think they’re getting enough sunlight, but if I move them to the back patio where they would get plenty of sunlight I know I’d forget to water them.  However, please note that the name of this goal is technically “plant” my own herbs, not “grow” or “cultivate” them.  The planting part is done.  Therefore, I might as well plop this pot on the back porch and forget about it. 
#6) Study Yoga:  The past couple of Tuesdays I’ve gone to the free yoga class at Washington Park.  Last week, the instructor was talking about the sun warming your skin and the wind tickling your hair and the beating heart of the city and I felt the kind of peace that yoga is supposed to make you feel.

Except later I saw on Twitter that there were so many people that there was a traffic jam trying to get out of the parking garage.  Clearly nothing says “Namaste” like a traffic report on Twitter.  
#30) Give up Diet Coke: Lastly, on the theme of doing what’s in your heart, I think I’ve finally got the Diet Coke out of my bloodstream.  I realized that what I liked about a fountain Diet Coke was the ice and the straw, not the caramel color.  

And if that last sentence isn’t random internet drivel, I don’t know what is.  

At least I didn't post a picture of my oatmeal. 


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